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June 2004 - Nags Head, NC

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Bedtime for the kids.

Ainsley gets a hug from Poppy.

Shannon and Braden.

Cody Hill smiling for the camera.

A night of put-put golf.

A Cinderella story at Augusta...

Betsi's brother, Jon, had to use desperate measures to get out of this tight spot.

Ainsley liked hitting the ball with the club upside down.

Ainsley was a moving hazard on some of the holes.

Ryan was excited about his hole in one. The ball missed three tightly spaced columns for a straight shot in.

It's in the hole. Mark me down for a hole in one (after she placed the ball next to the cup and hit it in).

Part of the course.

The grandkids on Betsi's parent's side of the family that were able to make the trip.

The swimming pool cake for Ainsley's third birthday.

Shannon is painting Ainsley's fingernails pink. Ryan had a turn later on too.


Tyler loved helping Ainsley open her presents.


Opening presents.

A see through purse of baby supplies.

A necklace.

Betsi and Tyler help Ainsley with a present.

A killer whale. It's what every girl needs. :-)

Ryan has a puppy and now Ainsley has a puppy.

JAlbum 4.4